Friday, May 11, 2012

NO. 6

In the midst of Mid Year Examinations , although is a little too late but i would like to wish you guys the best of luck for your examinations . The photos up there are the photos taken during Annual Awards , i hope you guys truly enjoyed the music making process during Annual Awards , i believe many of you all did felt something right ? The polaroids do keep it as a memory as your seniors are leaving alright . We played very well for Annual Awards , do keep up the good work and work even harder for the next performance which is your CONBRIO II , although your sec fours most likely will not be there to perform do put in your utmost effort so as to be able to feel the sense of achievement . Treat each day of your band life as if it is your very last day in order to be able to enjoy the process of each band practice . 4 years isn't very long so i hope you guys will cherish each and very single moment in band . Whether hate or love , everyone still belong to beatty military band . The reputation , the sense of belonging , the glory & the warmth all starts with the bandsmen of BMB . After the examinations will the announcing of acting leaders under probation , whoever that takes over the positions of the exco doesn't matter . Work as a exco towards your common goal and be better than us , your seniors . Your destination doesn't end here , what about your SYF ? Strive towards G-O-L-D ! All the best , i will continue to update the band blog soon :) see you all soon .


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