Thursday, January 13, 2011

#34 - Announcements.

Bandsmen, there will be band pratice tomorrow. Practice will start at 1pm & end at 5pm.
Attire is band tee. Have a heavy recess okay, don't be late. BRING YOUR RHYTHM BOOKS! SLs, bring a book to write down what Mr Lum will be telling your section to practice during sectionals. Spread the word around. Thank you.

Your band majorette,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

#33 - Announcements.

Band, there will be combined practice tomorrow from 3pm - 6pm.
Attire is uniform. Report to the band room by 2.45pm. Thank you. :)

Your band majorette,

Monday, January 10, 2011

#32 - Announcements.

Bandsmen, there will be sectionals tomorrow. Band room will be open at 2.45pm. Please slot in 2 hours of fruitful sectionals. Practice hard! See you guys.

Your band majorette,

Friday, January 7, 2011

#31 - CCA Open House.

Hey guys! Tomorrow is our big day, a day we recruit people to our band.
Like what Mr Lum says, let's give our best shot on stage tomorrow, play with our heart!
Enjoy what we're playing! All the best for tomorrow yeah! :D

Your band majorette,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

#30 - Announcements.

Bandsmen, there will be CCA open house rehearsal tomorrow.
Report to the band room by 2pm sharp unless you've lessons.
Settle down in the hall by 2.30pm, help the percussionists to move their instruments.
Attire will be P.E shirt. See you guys! :)

Your band majorette,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

#29 - Announcements.

Bandsmen, there will be combine tomorrow. Report to band room by 2.45pm & settle down by 3pm. Attire will be uniform. CCA open house is getting nearer! See you guys! :)

Your band majorette,

Monday, January 3, 2011

#28 - Announcements.

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! A brand new year, a brand new start! :)
This year is our SYF year! Let's work hard for out gold medal, hungry for it? :D
Alright, there will be sectionals tomorrow because CCA open house is this Saturday, 8 January 2011! Band room will be open from 2.45pm onwards, everyone is suppose to clock in 2 hours of sectionals. Thank you. See you guys! :)

Your band majorette,